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"Science Linguistics" collection

“Ukrainian Linguistics” has been published since 1973, once a year. The collection was published by the publishing association “Vyshcha Shkola” (vol. 1–16); the Publishing House “Lybid” (vol. 17–19); since 1993 – the Publishing House “Kyiv University”.

The editors in chief for the collection are the Heads of the Department:

  • Prof. I. Kucherenko (vol. 1–15; 1973–1988);
  • Prof. O. Bilodid (vol. 16–20; 1989–1993);
  • As. Prof. N. Pliushch (vol. 21–24; 1997, 2000–2002);
  • Prof. A. Moisiienko (vol. 25–49; 2003–2019);
  • Professor Moser M. (since 2020).


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